Frequently Asked Questions

Shipping & Delivery

Do you do gift wrapping?

Absolutely! Please just put in a note with your order, asking for gift wrapping, and if you'd like a notecard in with your order too, let us know and we can include that, no charge.


Shipping options are available at checkout and can take anywhere from 2-10 days. There are also options for courier if you prefer this.

Replacements & Returns

I brought a piece and it arrived broken, can I get a refund or replacement?

Oh dear! We're sorry that happened. Please send us a photo of the broken piece. If we are able to replace it we will, but as many of our pieces are one-offs, we may not be able to. If this is the case, we'll give you a full refund.

I have a Three Rings piece that I've had for a long time, but one or two of the rings are broken. Can I get them replaced?

Sure! Please send the whole piece, including broken bits to:


Brendon Jaine Jewellery

90 Norwood St,

Invercargill 9812


and include a small self-addressed parcel post envelope. He'll find rings to fit from his collection and send it back. Our standard charge for this is $20 - including cash in with your original piece is the easiest way to do this. Otherwise message us with your email address and we can send an invoice.

I bought or was gifted a piece but it's too big/too small/not quite what I wanted. Can I return it?

Yes you can - it's important to us that our customers are happy with our work.


Please send it to:

Brendon Jaine Jewellery

34 Riverside Road

Frankton, Queenstown-Lakes 9300


And we'll refund you the purchase price of the piece, minus shipping, and you can choose another piece from the website at your leisure.

Custom Orders

Can you make a special design for me on glass jewellery?

Only for large orders of 15+ pieces, please message to discuss!

I have a ceramic piece I would like made into some jewellery. Do you do that?

Sometimes... making just one piece involves a lot of admin so we prefer to make at least three pieces or at $150 minimum charge. Get in touch to discuss!

Can I change the colour of a cord?

You can for the pieces that are attached to their cord with a simple hole and loop, just put a note in with your order saying what colour you'd like and we'll change it. The pieces that are bound with the full lashing at the top can't be changed.

The Jewellery

Where can I see the jewellery in person?

Brendon's Jewellery is stocked in galleries and boutique shops all over Aotearoa. He's often at the Creative Queenstown Markets on Saturdays, so you can go see him and a full range of his jewellery there. I'm afraid neither his workshop or the website stock that Anna keeps is available to visit in person, but if you're really interested we can send you specific measurements/photos/videos of pieces.

I have a retail outlet and I'm interested in stocking your work.

We are so busy trying to keep up with the website, we don't have capacity to right now, but hope to expand in future!

I'm having trouble adjusting the length of the cord, how do I do this?

The cord has two slipknots, one on each side of the centre piece. Hold these tight and pull hard. The knots are tied tight so that they stay in place when they're where you want them. The cord is nylon and is very tough, don't be afraid to pull hard on it!


I'm concerned that Brendon's work culturally appropriates Māori hei toki. Has he considered this?

Brendon has been making glass jewellery in a toki shape since he began 2005. He originally worked with a pounamu carver who encouraged him to make them and also to call them toki, rather than adzes. Since then he's worked with the Murhiki Marae who have utilised his glass pieces, in the toki shape, with children's workshops.


In 14 years of making and selling his work at markets, he had only received positive feedback from Tangata Whenua about his innovative use of materials married with traditional designs and forms.


Since his work has been viewed by a much wider audience online, he has received some criticism that his work may be cultural appropriation. Brendon has taken this on board and asked advice from the leadership Murihiku Marae, and has received the following karakia from them especially for his work:


Karakia mo Mahi

Tukua te wairua kia rere ki nga taumata

Hei ārahi i ā tātau mahi

Me tā tātou whai i ngā tikanga a ratou mā

Kia mau, kia ita, kia kore ai e ngaro

Kia pupuri, kia whakamaua

Kia tina! Tina! Huye tāiki e!


Allow one's spirit to exercise it's potential

To guide us in our work

As well as in the pursuit of our ancestral traditions

Take hold and preserve it to ensure it is never lost

Hold fast, secure it

Draw together and affirm